How to Import PST to Office 365 Using Drive Shipping Method

Updated On - December 18, 2023 by Armaan | Reading Time: 5 minutes

Office 365 is one of the most widely used email and collaboration suites in the world. Many businesses use Office 365 to store their emails, contacts, and other important data. However, if you’re moving from an on-premises email system to Office 365, you may have a large amount of data to transfer. One way to transfer data is by using the Drive shipping method to import PST files into Office 365.

Why need to import PST to Office 365

Many organizations have data stored in PST files that they need to import into Office 365. This may be due to a migration from an on-premises email system to Office 365, or because they need to consolidate data from multiple sources. PST files can contain important email messages, contacts, calendars, and other data that need to be accessible in Office 365.

What is the Drive shipping method?

The Drive shipping method is a way to import PST files into Office 365 by shipping a storage device to Microsoft. The storage device can be a hard drive, USB drive, or other portable storage devices. The PST files are copied to the storage device, which is then shipped to Microsoft. Microsoft then imports the PST files into Office 365.

Steps to import PST to Office 365 using Drive Shipping Method

Preparing for the Import

Before using the Drive shipping method, you need to check the prerequisites and prepare the storage device for shipping.

  • Checking the prerequisites for using the Drive shipping method

To use the Drive shipping method, you need to have an Office 365 account with the necessary permissions, a computer with an internet connection, and a storage device that meets Microsoft’s requirements. You also need to have the latest version of the Azure AzCopy tool installed on your computer.

  • Preparing the storage device for shipping

The storage device must be formatted with the NTFS file system and have a unique volume label. You should also create a folder on the storage device to hold the PST files. The folder name should be the same as the import job name.

Creating and Shipping the Import Drive

Once you’ve prepared the storage device, you can create and ship the import drive.

  • Creating a new import job in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center

To create a new import job, go to the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center and select Import. Choose the Drive shipping option and enter the required information, including the job name, the storage device details, and the email address for notifications.

  • Creating an import mapping file

Next, you need to create an import mapping file. This file maps the PST files to the mailboxes in Office 365. You can use the Import Mapping File Creator tool to create the mapping file.

  • Copying the PST files to the storage device

Copy the PST files to the folder on the storage device that you created earlier.

  • Shipping the storage device to Microsoft

After the PST files are copied to the storage device, securely package the storage device and ship it to the address provided by Microsoft.

Monitoring the Import Process

Once the storage device is received by Microsoft, you can monitor the import process.

  • Checking the status of the import job

To check the status of the import job, go to the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center and select Import. Find the import job in the list and select it to see the status.

  • Troubleshooting any issues that arise

If there are any issues during the import process, you can use the logs and error reports in the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center to troubleshoot the issues.

Completing the Import PST to Office using Drive Shipping Method

Once the import process is complete, you need to finalize the import job and check the imported data.

  • Finalizing the import job in the Security & Compliance Center

To finalize the import job, go to the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center and select Import. Find the import job in the list and select it. Click on the “Complete” button to finalize the import job.

  • Checking the imported data in Office 365

After the import job is completed, you can check the imported data in Office 365. You should check that the data has been imported correctly and that all mailboxes and folders are present.

Drawbacks and Loopholes of Drive shipping method to import PST to Office 365

While the Drive shipping method can be a useful way to transfer large amounts of data to Office 365, there are several drawbacks and loopholes to consider:

  • Shipping time and cost: The time and cost associated with shipping the storage device to Microsoft can be significant, especially if you need to transfer a large amount of data.
  • Security concerns: While you can take steps to secure the storage device during shipping, there is still a risk of the device being lost or stolen in transit. This can result in the loss of sensitive data.
  • Data integrity: There is a risk that data on the storage device may become corrupt or lost during shipping, especially if the device is not handled properly or is exposed to extreme temperatures or other hazards.
  • Limited control over the transfer process: With the Drive shipping method, you have limited control over the transfer process once the storage device is shipped to Microsoft. You cannot monitor the transfer in real time or make changes to the transfer once it has started.
  • Limited support for certain file types: The Drive shipping method may not support certain file types or formats, which can limit its usefulness for some organizations.
  • Limited scalability: The Drive shipping method may not be scalable for larger organizations that need to transfer large amounts of data on a regular basis. In such cases, other methods such as network-based transfers or third-party migration tools may be more effective.

Overall, while the Drive shipping method can be a useful way to transfer data to Office 365, it is important to weigh its benefits against its drawbacks and consider alternative methods as well.

Recommendations for future imports

We recommend considering a third-party tool that can automate the import process and provide more control over the transfer. There are many tools available that can help you migrate data to Office 365 more efficiently and effectively.

Regain PST to Office 365 migration tool to import PST to Office 365

Regain PST to Office 365 migration tool can be used to import PST files to Office 365. It is designed to simplify the migration process and provide more control over the transfer.

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Here are some key features of the Regain PST to Office 365 migration tool:

  • Simple user interface: The tool has a simple and intuitive user interface that makes it easy to use, even for non-technical users.
  • Automated migration process: The tool automates the migration process and transfers data to Office 365 quickly and efficiently.
  • Bulk migration: The tool supports bulk migration of PST files, which is useful for organizations that need to transfer large amounts of data.
  • Advanced filtering options: The tool provides advanced filtering options that allow you to filter data based on date range, file size, and other criteria.
  • Data mapping: The tool provides data mapping functionality that allows you to map PST file data to specific Office 365 mailboxes and folders.
  • Detailed reporting: The tool provides detailed reporting on the migration process, including progress reports, error logs, and other metrics.

Overall, the Regain PST to Office 365 migration tool is a powerful and effective solution for importing PST files to Office 365. It simplifies the migration process and provides more control over the transfer. It is a recommended solution by Microsoft MVPs to transfer large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.


Using the Drive shipping method to import PST files into Office 365 can be an efficient and convenient way to transfer data. However, it’s important to process correctly to ensure a successful transfer. By following the steps outlined above, you can use the Drive shipping method to import PST files into Office 365. However, you can also install and use the free Regain PST to Office 365 migration tool.

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Author: Armaan

Hello I have been working in Regain Software for the last 6 months. I have been in the field of writing for many years and worked with many Data recovery companies. Here I am writing technical blogs, Software User Guides and manual methods for email conversion and cloud migration. Now, working on all products of our company. Thanks you

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