How to Fix Outlook Subfolders Not Appearing in Cached Mode

Published On - April 8, 2023 by Henry Bray | Reading Time: 6 minutes

You’re working away on Outlook in cached mode only to find that none of your subfolders appear. Frustrating, isn’t it? Don’t panic! It’s a common issue and luckily, one you can sort out Outlook Sub Folders Not Appearing in Cached Mode quickly.

Whether you’ve noticed missing subfolder information in Outlook for the first time or have been dealing with this problem for a while, we get it—it can be intimidating to troubleshoot Outlook when you don’t know what the root cause of the issue could be.

In this tutorial, we’ll take some of the guesswork out of figuring out what to do when Outlook is refusing to show your subfolders in cached mode. We’ll also show you how to resolve this problem and make sure your Outlook folders are properly synced up. Let’s jump in!

Understanding the Outlook Sub Folders Not Appearing Issue

Have you ever been trying to access a subfolder in your Outlook mailbox only to find it hasn’t appeared? It’s an incredibly annoying problem, but don’t worry—it is possible to fix it.

This issue typically occurs when you try to view your mail in Outlook with Cached Exchange Mode enabled. Cached Exchange Mode saves copies of your mailbox on your computer, reducing network traffic and making Outlook faster when accessing emails. But it can lead to the subfolders not appearing issue.

The problem is actually easy to fix—you just need to update the Offline Address Book (OAB) in the Outlook profile. The OAB contains address book information that’s used by Outlook and is updated periodically. If it’s out-of-date, then this can lead to the subfolders not appearing issue you’re having right now.

Simply go into your Outlook profile and update the OAB, usually downloaded from your email server, and that should resolve the problem for you!

How to Troubleshoot Common Causes of the Outlook Sub Folders Not Appearing Issue

If you are experiencing the Outlook subfolders not appearing issue in cached mode, the first thing you should do is try and troubleshoot some of the most common causes. Here are a few easy steps that can help you identify and resolve the issue:

  1. Check for Outlook Updates: Start by checking for any available updates for Outlook. This may help to resolve any issues with your Outlook client or server.
  2. Make sure Cached Mode is enabled: Make sure that your Outlook is set in cached mode, as this will allow it to access your subfolders.
  3. Modify Your Folder Properties: You can also modify your folder properties and set up rules so that Outlook can have better access to your subfolders.
  4. Run an Advanced Search on Your Sub Folders: If you are still not able to view all of your subfolders, running an advanced search on them may help you find ones that were previously hidden or lost due to an issue with the client or server.

By taking these steps and troubleshooting some of the common causes, you should be able to fix the Outlook subfolder not appearing issue in cached mode quickly and easily!

Configure Your Exchange Server Settings to Resolve the Outlook Sub Folders Not Appearing Issue

If you’ve tried all the other solutions and your Outlook Sub Folders still aren’t appearing, then the issue might be with the Exchange Server settings. Here are step-by-step instructions to help you solve the problem:

Step 1: Log into Your Exchange Server

Log into your Exchange Server as an administrator, using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). If you don’t have an RDP client installed, you can download one for free from Microsoft.

Step 2: Access “Client Settings”

Go to the mailbox database and select “Client Settings.” Once there, click on “Cached Mode” under the “Outlook Anywhere” tab.

Step 3: Configure the Cached Mode Settings

Now it’s time to configure your Cached Mode settings. You’ll need to make sure these are set up correctly so that Outlook can access your subfolders. It is important to note that if you’re running Outlook 2003 or earlier, you’ll need to select either of these options for subfolder view: “Full Details” or “Hide Details”. If you’re running Outlook 2007 or higher, then you need to select “Full Mailbox” for this particular setting.

Step 4: Save Your Changes

Finally, save your changes and close out Outlook. This should resolve the issue with Outlook Sub Folders not appearing in cached mode.

How to Reconfigure Your Outlook Client in Cached Mode

If you’ve tried the suggestions above and you’re still having trouble getting Outlook to show your subfolders in Cached Mode, there might be another issue with your Outlook client configuration. To get to the root of the problem, you’ll need to reconfigure Outlook in Cached Mode.

Here’s a step-by-step guide that should help:

  1. Open Outlook and select File > Account Settings > Account Settings.
  2. Select the email account you’re having issues with, then choose Change.
  3. In the Account Settings dialog box, select More Settings.
  4. In the Advanced tab, make sure the Download Shared Folders check box is selected and choose to Apply > OK.
  5. On the same tab, under the Cached Exchange Mode Settings option, select the Full Mailbox and then hit OK.
  6. Now close Outlook and re-open it to see if it helps solve your problem—it should! If not then you might want to try restarting your computer as well—this usually does the trick!

Once complete, you should be able to view all of your Outlook folders in Cached mode without any problems!

Alternative Solutions for Fixing Outlook Sub Folders Not Appearing in Cached Mode

If you’re having issues with Outlook subfolders not appearing in cached mode, you may have already tried some of the more obvious solutions like deleting your account and re-adding it, clearing the local cache, adding a delegate mailbox, or setting the default account for sending emails.

Unfortunately, if those methods haven’t fixed your issue you’re probably feeling a bit stuck—which is why we’ve got a few possible alternative solutions that may help.

Make sure ‘Download shared folders’ is enabled

You’ll want to go into Outlook options > advanced > send/receive and make sure that ‘Download shared folders’ is enabled. This will help ensure that any shared folder or subfolder in your account will be downloaded to your local cache and appear in Outlook.

Enable offline caching mode

You can also try enabling your profile to work in an offline caching mode with Cached Exchange Mode turned on. To do this, you’ll need to go into File > Account Settings > Change > More Settings, then check ‘Use Cached Exchange Mode’. Then all of the folders that should appear when you are online should also appear offline if you are in cached exchange mode!

Sync GAL with the local contacts folder

Finally, if you’re still having issues with getting all of your Outlook subfolders to appear, try syncing your Global Address List (GAL) with Outlook Contacts sync instead of the server address book via the registry editor. To do this go into the registry editor and change:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Cached Mode

from 0 to 1 and

Strategies to Prevent Future Outlook Sub Folder Issues

If Outlook Sub Folders are not appearing in Cached Mode, you can try the following strategies to prevent this problem from happening in the future.

Keep your device up-to-date

One way to make sure things are running smoothly with Outlook and its folders is to keep your device updated. New versions and patches often contain useful bug fixes, system enhancements, and performance improvements.

Clear cache regularly

Another effective strategy for maintaining consistent Outlook performance is to clear the cache on a regular basis. This helps reduce the amount of data stored on your hard drive and can help resolve many Outlook issues, including those related to subfolders.

Disable data file caching

Finally, you can try disabling Outlook’s cached file setting altogether. Although this may mean slower performance, it could be useful if you’re having frequent problems with subfolders not appearing in Cached Mode.

These strategies should help ensure that Outlook Sub Folders are always appearing when they should in Cached Mode—helping you enjoy a smoother user experience with Outlook going forward!

Use OST to PST Converter Tool

In case none of the above methods works for you or somehow your emails are missing after using the manual method, use the automated and top-notch OST to PST converter tool. These tools can easily get you rid of unwanted issues and provide an enhanced experience.

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If your Outlook subfolders are not appearing in Cached Mode, the best way to go about it is to first try to delete your cached OST file. However, if that doesn’t work, you can always try to delete your Outlook account and re-add it. If you’re still having issues after that, you can always reset your Outlook profile or use the Scanost.exe tool to try and fix any issues.

No matter what you do, remember to back up your Outlook data to ensure that you don’t lose valuable emails and contact information. If all else fails, the best course of action is to use an OST to PST converter tool. Taking the necessary steps can help you address the Outlook subfolders not appearing in the Cached Mode issue with relative ease.

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Author: Henry Bray

Henry Bray is a young technologist and content a Content Writer at Regain Software, loves to write about MS Outlook, MS Exchange Server, Office 365, Mozilla Thunderbird and many more email applications.

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